Mosaic Document Management

Business Document Control Software

Your Business Deserves Document Management Software

Today, digital environments are becoming the norm for businesses of all sizes. The cost associated with going paperless may seem prohibitive, however document management software is not only affordable, but could also positively impact your bottom line.

Regardless of the size of your business, day-to-day operations can create lots of paper, just in completing everyday business tasks. File cabinets to store documents take up valuable office space. Multiple versions of documents exist in every environment: in a cabinet folder filing structure, on hard drives, with legal, with compliance, and with your clients and contractors. Some documents and files can be found in secure environments. Some can’t be found. It all depends on your approach to document management.

If you are still working with files in a way similar to the 19th Century businessman, you’re missing out on the insights found in using a software document management solution. Mosaic works with business owners to customize a document management system that works for them. This simple management solution will increase productivity and decrease expenses.  The undercover cost for using paper includes security, shredding, and office space lost to storing files. Some still think the paper expense is the cost of doing business. They are wrong. By transitioning to a paperless system, businesses help the environment and their profit margins.

Man holding calendar graphic

A cloud-based solution in a secure environment allows your business to operate efficiently and effectively, providing document storage, file sharing, tracked document editing, and limited access where needed. Your team will be available to access files across multiple platforms, including their mobile device, laptop, and tablet. A user-friendly interface allows your team to transition to a cloud-based document management system that will allow collaboration, file sharing, and document control. Our enterprise content management software means never panicking over a lost file ever again.

Our document management solution provides peace of mind because you know every file can be located with a simple search. Business documents are no longer a drag on your workflows. With the ease of use and the ability to transition your current files into your document management system, adoption becomes a no-brainer.

Document management services will allow your team to play in the big leagues— with all documents and files in one place. Collaboration tools allow cross teams to work together. Paper documents easily transition to your new document management software. In designing your system, scalability is built in so you can grow with ease. Additionally, the cloud-based document systems provide security behind firewalls and passwords. Does your IT team want to support this effort in your office? That works as well. We will also make sure that your document management solution is prepared for every disaster recovery if needed.

How do you get started? Mosaic will work with your team to make sure they are ready for the ease of use of our user interface. This intuitive document management solution brings your business fully into the 21st Century. Get ready for happy customers and employees.