Entries by Mosaic Corporation

Enhancing Collaboration and Productivity with Cloud-Based Document Management

Today, the traditional methods of document management are proving to be increasingly inadequate. Physical storage takes up space, is vulnerable to damage or loss, and often requires time-consuming retrieval processes. Relying on paper-based systems or local servers limits accessibility, which makes it difficult for team members to collaborate effectively.

Enter cloud-based document management solutions. These innovative platforms offer a modern alternative, leveraging the power of the cloud to store, manage, and share documents efficiently. 

By moving to the cloud, organizations can overcome the limitations of traditional methods and unlock new levels of collaboration and productivity.

How Cloud-Based Document Management Enhances Collaboration

One of the most significant advantages is the ability for team members to access and edit documents in real-time, regardless of their location. Maintaining version control is crucial in collaborative environments. Cloud-based solutions automatically track changes and save multiple versions of documents, allowing team members to see the history of edits and revert to previous versions if necessary. 

Security is a major concern when sharing documents, especially in a collaborative setting. Cloud-based document management systems offer robust security features, including encrypted file sharing and granular permissions management, which ensures that sensitive information is only accessible to authorized personnel.

The Benefits of Cloud-Based Document Management for Productivity

Cloud-based document management solutions are revolutionizing productivity by enabling teams to work more efficiently, focus on core tasks and collaborate effectively. Here are just a few of the benefits:

Streamlined document search and retrieval:

Users can quickly locate documents using keywords, tags, and metadata. This advanced search functionality allows employees to find the exact documents they need without wasting time. Implementing structured folder hierarchies and consistent naming conventions helps maintain an organized document repository, further streamlining the search and retrieval process.

Automated document workflows and approvals:

These features eliminate manual steps, reduce human errors, and ensure that documents move through the necessary channels quickly and efficiently. By automating repetitive tasks, employees can focus on more strategic activities, leading to significant productivity improvements. This shift allows for better utilization of human resources and enhances overall operational efficiency.

Mobile access for remote work and flexibility:

As mentioned earlier, team members can view, edit, and share documents from their smartphones or tablets, allowing work to continue seamlessly whether they are in the office or on the road. This is especially valuable in today's increasingly remote and hybrid work environments. The flexibility also enables employees to adapt their work schedules and environments to fit their needs, leading to increased job satisfaction and productivity.

Integration with other productivity tools and platforms:

Cloud-based document management systems often integrate with other productivity tools and platforms, such as project management software, email clients and CRM systems. This integration reduces the need for manual data entry and synchronization between systems, streamlining workflows and saving time.

Best Practices for Implementing Cloud-Based Document Management

Choosing a Reliable and Secure Cloud Provider

Selecting a trustworthy cloud provider is a critical first step in implementing an effective document management system. Organizations should evaluate providers based on several key factors:

Establishing Document Organization and Naming Conventions

To maximize efficiency and ensure ease of access, it is important to establish clear document organization and naming conventions:

Training Teams on Effective Collaboration and File Management

Proper training is essential to ensure that all team members can effectively use the cloud-based document management system:

Regularly Reviewing and Optimizing Document Processes

Continuous improvement is key to maintaining an efficient document management system:

In conclusion, cloud-based document management systems offer significant benefits that improve both collaboration and productivity within an organization. From a productivity standpoint, they streamline document search and retrieval processes, saving valuable time and reducing frustration. Automated workflows and approvals further increase efficiency by minimizing manual intervention and speeding up routine tasks.

Organizations looking to enhance teamwork and productivity should consider adopting cloud-based document management solutions. Whether it’s supporting remote work, integrating with new tools, or scaling operations, cloud-based solutions offer the flexibility and scalability required to meet these demands. These systems enable organizations to operate more efficiently and effectively in today’s dynamic work environment. 

Ready to transform your document management processes and boost your team’s collaboration and productivity? Contact us today to learn how our cloud-based solutions can help you streamline your operations and achieve your business goals.

Ensuring Regulatory Compliance with AP Automation in the Utility Sector

When it comes to the dynamic landscape of the utility industry, regulatory compliance is the cornerstone of operational integrity. Utilities are charged with providing essential services to communities while adhering to a myriad of regulations designed to ensure safety, reliability, and environmental stewardship.

From financial transparency to environmental sustainability, compliance is not only a legal obligation, but a moral imperative to ensure public trust and stakeholder well-being.

Key Regulatory Requirements for Utility Companies

Utilities operate in a complex regulatory environment governed by a variety of laws. Compliance is critical to ensuring the safety, reliability, and sustainability of utility operations. Let’s take a closer look at the key regulatory requirements that utilities must navigate:

How AP Automation Supports Regulatory Compliance

Automating accounts payable (AP) processes is a game-changer for utility companies striving to meet regulatory compliance requirements efficiently and effectively. Other industries have been benefited too, like in Dental Practices and Senior Care facilities.


Automated Invoice Capture and Data Extraction

One of the primary challenges in AP processes is manually handling and processing a large volume of invoices. AP automation solutions streamline this process by automating invoice capture and data extraction. Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology automatically extracts relevant data from invoices, such as vendor information, invoice numbers, and payment amounts, reducing the risk of manual errors and ensuring accuracy.


Workflow Automation for Approvals and Segregation of Duties

AP automation solutions facilitate streamlined approval workflows, routing invoices through predefined approval paths based on established business rules and segregation of duties principles. Automated notifications and escalations ensure timely approvals and provide visibility into the status of invoices in the approval process.

Workflow automation helps enforce compliance with internal controls and segregation of duties requirements by preventing unauthorized access to sensitive financial information and ensuring proper authorization and review of invoice payments.


Electronic Audit Trails and Document Retention

AP automation solutions generate electronic audit trails that track every step of the invoice processing lifecycle, from receipt to payment. Electronic audit trails capture detailed information about invoice approvals, modifications, and payment transactions, providing a comprehensive audit trail for compliance purposes. 

These serve as evidence of compliance with regulatory requirements and facilitate internal and external audits.

AP automation solutions in addition include robust document retention capabilities that enable secure storage and archiving of invoice documents and related records. Electronic document retention ensures compliance with recordkeeping requirements and facilitates document retrieval in the event of a regulatory audit or investigation.


Integration with Compliance Reporting Tools and Systems

Integration with compliance reporting tools and systems is essential for leveraging AP automation to support regulatory compliance. AP automation solutions integrate seamlessly with financial management systems, ERP systems, and compliance reporting tools to facilitate data exchange and reporting. 

Integration enables automatic synchronization of invoice data with financial systems, eliminating manual data entry and ensuring data accuracy and consistency.

Utility companies can enhance their compliance efforts by leveraging specialized AP automation solutions tailored to their industry needs. In Mosaic Corp we offer comprehensive AP automation platforms designed specifically for the utility sector. Learn more about our industry solutions here.

Best Practices for Compliance with AP Automation in Utilities

Implementing AP automation is just the first step towards achieving regulatory compliance in utility companies. To ensure effective compliance management, utility companies must follow best practices that align AP automation initiatives with regulatory requirements.


Establishing Clear AP Policies and Procedures Aligned with Regulations

The foundation of effective compliance management is the establishment of clear accounts payable policies and procedures that align with regulatory requirements. Utilities should develop comprehensive AP policies that outline the steps and controls necessary to ensure compliance with financial, environmental, and industry-specific regulations.

These policies should address key areas such as invoice processing, approval workflows, segregation of duties, and document retention. By clearly defining roles, responsibilities, and authorization levels, AP policies help mitigate the risk of fraud or errors.

Effective compliance management requires ongoing monitoring and evaluation of compliance controls to identify gaps and weaknesses.


Regularly Reviewing and Updating Compliance Controls

These reviews should encompass assessments of system configurations, user access controls, approval workflows, and segregation of duties. By identifying and addressing control deficiencies promptly, utility companies can strengthen their compliance posture and reduce the risk of violations.

Internal audits and risk assessments are essential components of a proactive compliance management strategy. Utility companies should conduct periodic internal audits of AP processes and compliance controls to assess their effectiveness and identify areas for improvement.


Providing Compliance Training for AP Staff and Stakeholders

Investing in compliance training is crucial for ensuring that AP staff and stakeholders understand their roles and responsibilities in supporting regulatory compliance. Utility companies should provide comprehensive training programs that educate AP staff on regulatory requirements, AP policies and procedures, and the use of AP automation systems.

AP automation revolutionizes compliance management in utilities by automating invoice processing, enforcing approval workflows, maintaining electronic audit trails, and integrating with compliance reporting tools.

In addition, AP automation streamlines compliance-related processes, enabling utilities to quickly adapt to regulatory changes and confidently demonstrate compliance. Furthermore, automation not only improves efficiency and accuracy but also enables utility companies to allocate resources strategically, reduce costs, and focus on value-added activities. 

As utility companies strive to meet regulatory compliance requirements, partnering with industry leaders like Mosaic Corp can be instrumental. With our expertise in AP automation solutions, we empower companies to streamline processes, enhance compliance controls, and mitigate regulatory risks effectively. 

Contact us today to embark on your digital transformation journey and empower your business!

Eliminating AP Bottlenecks: Solutions for Common Processing Delays

We know efficient AP operations ensure timely payment of invoices, healthy vendor relationships, and financial stability. However, many organizations face significant challenges due to AP bottlenecks, which can lead to detrimental delays in invoice payment. 

Today we’ll delve into the root causes of AP bottlenecks, explore tactical solutions for eliminating them, quantify the impact of backlogs, and provide guidance for modernizing AP operations with the help of experienced partners like Mosaic.

Root Causes of AP Bottlenecks

Accounts payable bottlenecks represent a significant hurdle for organizations aiming to maintain efficient financial operations. These bottlenecks arise from a multitude of interconnected factors, each contributing to delays and inefficiencies within the AP workflow.



One of the primary drivers of AP bottlenecks is understaffing within the accounts payable department. When the number of staff members responsible for processing invoices is insufficient to handle the volume of incoming documents, delays inevitably occur.


Reliance on Manual Workflows:

Many organizations still rely on manual processes for handling invoices, from receipt to payment. These manual workflows involve tasks such as data entry, document sorting, and physical routing for approval. While these methods may have sufficed in the past, they are highly susceptible to errors and inefficiencies.


Inefficient Approval Processes:

Inefficient approval processes represent another significant contributor to AP bottlenecks. Traditional approval workflows often involve cumbersome manual steps, such as obtaining signatures from multiple stakeholders or routing invoices through various departments for authorization.


Lack of Visibility into the Payment Pipeline:

A critical challenge in managing AP workflows is the lack of visibility into the payment pipeline. Without real-time insights into the status of invoices, organizations struggle to track payment progress, anticipate bottlenecks, and allocate resources effectively.

Inadequate visibility hampers the ability to forecast cash flow accurately and may result in missed payment deadlines or oversights in prioritizing critical invoices. As a consequence, organizations face increased risk exposure.

If you want to learn more about the benefits of going paperless, visit our blog What Exactly Does Going Paperless Mean for my Business?

Tactical Solutions for Eliminating Bottlenecks

In an effort to streamline accounts payable processes and overcome bottlenecks, companies must implement strategic solutions that leverage technology, streamline workflows, and increase visibility.


Implementing AP Automation Software:

One of the most impactful strategies for eliminating AP bottlenecks is the adoption of AP automation software. These sophisticated platforms leverage advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and optical character recognition to automate repetitive tasks. By digitizing and centralizing invoice data, AP automation software reduces manual intervention, minimizes errors, and accelerates approval cycles.

Discover more about the transformative power of automation in our blog The Magic of Automating the Purchasing Process.


Establishing Dynamic Routing Rules:

Dynamic routing rules play a crucial role in expediting invoice approvals and minimizing processing delays. By defining intelligent routing criteria based on invoice attributes, such as vendor, amount, and due date, organizations can ensure that invoices are promptly routed to the appropriate stakeholders for review and approval.

Automated routing algorithms prioritize critical invoices and dynamically adjust routing paths based on workflow conditions, such as staff availability or approval hierarchy.


Utilizing Exceptions Dashboards:

In the complex landscape of AP operations, exceptions and discrepancies are inevitable. However, organizations can proactively address these issues and prevent bottlenecks by leveraging exceptions dashboards. These intuitive dashboards provide real-time insights into payment discrepancies, such as pricing discrepancies, quantity variances, or invoice mismatches.


Digitizing Invoice Backup and Supporting Documents:

The transition from paper-based to digital document management is essential for streamlining AP workflows and reducing reliance on physical paperwork. Digitizing invoice backup and supporting documents enhances accessibility, facilitates information retrieval, and accelerates decision-making processes.

Guidance for AP Modernization

Modernizing accounts payable operations is no longer just a choice but a strategic imperative for organizations seeking to enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and maintain competitiveness. 

Here’s a step-by-step approach to help organizations embark on their AP modernization journey:


Assess Current Processes and Identify Pain Points:

The first step in AP modernization is to conduct a comprehensive assessment of existing processes and workflows. Identify pain points, inefficiencies, and bottlenecks that hinder the smooth operation of AP functions. 

Common areas of concern may include manual data entry, paper-based workflows, approval delays, lack of visibility, and compliance challenges. By understanding the root causes of these issues, organizations can develop targeted solutions to address them effectively.


Define Clear Objectives and Goals:

Once the current state of AP operations is assessed, define clear objectives and goals for the modernization initiative. Determine key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure success, such as reduced processing times, increased accuracy, cost savings, and improved vendor relationships. 

Establishing clear benchmarks will guide the modernization process and ensure alignment with broader organizational goals and priorities.


Explore AP Automation Solutions:

Explore AP automation solutions that align with the identified objectives and goals. Evaluate different software vendors and platforms to find the right fit for your organization’s needs and requirements. Look for features such as invoice capture, data extraction, workflow automation  and integration capabilities with existing ERP systems.

Partnering with experienced AP automation providers like Mosaic can provide access to industry-leading technology and expertise to streamline implementation and ensure successful adoption.


Plan for Seamless Implementation:

Develop a comprehensive implementation plan that outlines the steps, timelines, and resources required for seamless adoption of AP automation solutions. Collaborate closely with internal stakeholders, IT teams, and external vendors to ensure alignment and coordination throughout the implementation process.


Monitor Performance and Continuously Improve:

Once AP automation solutions are implemented, monitor performance closely and track progress against established KPIs. Regularly review and analyze data to identify areas for improvement and optimization. Solicit feedback from end-users and stakeholders to gather insights into user experience and identify opportunities for enhancement.


Leverage Expertise and Technology:

Partnering with experienced AP automation providers like Mosaic. can provide organizations with access to specialized expertise and advanced technology solutions. Mosaic’s team of experts can offer strategic guidance, best practices, and industry insights to help organizations unlock the full potential of their AP processes.

By leveraging advanced technology and expertise, organizations can achieve sustainable growth, enhance operational efficiency, and maintain a competitive edge in today’s dynamic business landscape.

Take action today to eliminate AP bottlenecks and unlock the full potential of your financial operations.

Ready to streamline your accounts payable processes and eliminate bottlenecks? Schedule a consultation with Mosaic today and discover how our tailored solutions can transform your AP operations.

Travel and Expense Automation: Streamlining AP’s Most Complex Documents

Managing travel and expense (T&E) can be a daunting task for Accounts Payable (AP) teams. The complexities associated with handling T&E documents often lead to manual effort, errors and processing delays.

AP teams face a myriad of challenges when it comes to processing travel and expense reports. Manual data entry and reconciliation are time-consuming, error-prone tasks that result in discrepancies and processing delays.

In this article, we’ll explore the common pain points faced by AP teams in T&E reimbursement handling and explore tools, tactics, and best practices for streamlining processes through automation.

Common Pain Points in T&E Reimbursement Handling

Managing travel and expense reimbursements poses several challenges for accounts payable teams, leading to inefficiencies and frustrations in the reimbursement process. Here are some of the most prevalent pain points that organizations encounter:

Manual Data Entry and Reconciliation:

One of the primary pain points in T&E reimbursement handling is the reliance on manual data entry and reconciliation processes. AP teams often spend significant time and effort manually entering expense data from receipts and invoices into spreadsheets or accounting systems.

This manual process is not only time-consuming but also prone to errors, leading to discrepancies and inaccuracies in expense reporting. Moreover, reconciling expenses with corporate credit card statements or other financial records further complicates the process, increasing the risk of errors and delays.

Inconsistent Reporting Formats:

Another common pain point is the inconsistency in reporting formats across different expense submissions. Employees may use various formats or systems to submit expense reports, such as spreadsheets templates, paper-based forms, email submissions or online expense management systems. This makes it challenging for AP teams to standardize and reconcile expense data effectively.

Inconsistent reporting formats can lead to confusion, delays in processing, and difficulties in tracking and analyzing expenses. Without standardized reporting templates or guidelines in place, AP teams struggle to maintain consistency and accuracy in expense reporting, hampering overall efficiency and visibility into T&E spending.

Policy Enforcement Difficulties:

Enforcing corporate travel policies presents a significant challenge for AP teams, especially in organizations with decentralized or disparate systems for managing T&E expenses. Ensuring compliance with company policies, such as travel limits, allowable expenses, and approval workflows, requires constant monitoring and enforcement.

However, without automated policy checks and controls in place, AP teams face difficulties in identifying and preventing non-compliant expenses. Policy enforcement challenges not only increase the risk of policy violations but also result in additional manual effort and delays in processing reimbursements.

Reimbursement Delays:

Lengthy approval cycles and reimbursement delays are major pain points that impact both employees and the organization as a whole. Delays in processing expense reports and reimbursing employees for their expenses can lead to frustration, dissatisfaction, and decreased morale among employees.

Moreover, delayed reimbursements may also strain vendor relationships and erode trust with suppliers and service providers. AP teams must strive to streamline approval workflows, expedite reimbursement cycles, and provide timely updates to employees to minimize delays and ensure a positive experience for all stakeholders involved.

Tools and Tactics for T&E Automation

To address these challenges, organizations can implement a range of tools and tactics designed to streamline T&E processes and improve efficiency:

Benefits of Streamlining T&E Processes

By streamlining T&E processes through automation and strategic tactics, organizations can realize a host of benefits:

Best Practices for T&E Automation Implementation

Implementing T&E automation requires careful planning and execution. Some best practices to ensure success are the following:

In conclusion, streamlining travel and expense reimbursement processes is essential for enhancing efficiency and competitiveness in today’s business environment.

By leveraging specialized tools and implementing strategic tactics, organizations can reduce manual effort, improve policy enforcement, and increase visibility and control over T&E spending.

Embracing T&E automation not only streamlines processes but also enhances employee satisfaction, strengthens vendor relationships, and drives overall business success.

Ready to streamline your T&E processes and unlock the benefits of automation? Explore Mosaic’s T&E automation solutions

How Digital Workflows Simplify Compliance Audits

Compliance audits serve as a crucial checkpoint, ensuring adherence to regulations and standards. However, navigating these audits can often feel like traversing a labyrinth of scattered paper, leading to inefficiencies and uncertainties.

Today we’ll tackle the transformative power of digital workflows, particularly Mosaic’s expertise, in simplifying compliance audits for businesses.

The Pitfalls of Paper Records and Fragmented Search Tools:

Traditional paper-based processes have long been the backbone of many businesses’ operations, but when it comes to compliance audits, they can become a significant hindrance. Here are the key challenges that arise from relying on paper records and fragmented search tools:

The Benefits of Digital Workflows for Compliance Audits:

Mosaic’s paperless workflow automation solutions offer a comprehensive approach to addressing the challenges posed by traditional paper-based processes. Here’s how transitioning to digital workflows can revolutionize compliance audits:

Businesses can generate comprehensive reports on document status, access history, and compliance metrics. Automated alerts and notifications notify stakeholders of any compliance issues or deviations, allowing businesses to address them promptly.

Industry-Specific Applications of Digital Workflows for Audits:

The versatility of Mosaic’s solutions extends across various industries. In retail, businesses can achieve PCI DSS compliance and streamline inventory and supply chain documentation.

By digitizing transaction records and implementing secure payment processing systems, retailers can safeguard sensitive customer data and mitigate the risk of data breaches.

The healthcare industry is also governed by strict regulations to protect patient privacy and data security, such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Mosaic’s solutions play a pivotal role in facilitating compliance with HIPAA regulations by digitizing electronic health records (EHR) and patient data management. 

Find out more about the healthcare industry in our blog about How Paperless Operations Streamline Dental Practices

When it comes to utilities, companies operate in highly regulated environments, governed by environmental and safety regulations. Mosaic’s solutions enable utilities to maintain compliance with environmental regulations by digitizing environmental monitoring data and automating compliance reporting processes. 

Implementing Digital Workflows for Simplified Audits:

Embarking on the journey towards digital transformation requires a strategic approach. The first step towards implementing digital workflows is to assess the organization’s current processes and identify pain points. 

Mosaic collaborates closely with businesses to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of existing paper-based workflows, document management practices, and compliance processes. 

The second step is selecting the right digital workflow solution. With a deep understanding of the organization’s needs and objectives, Mosaic assists businesses in selecting the right digital workflow solution tailored to their specific requirements. 

Developing a phased Implementation Plan would be the next step to follow. Implementing digital workflows requires careful planning and execution to ensure a smooth transition from paper-based processes to digital systems. 

Mosaic works collaboratively with businesses to develop a phased implementation plan that outlines key milestones, timelines, and resource requirements.

Lastly, ensuring comprehensive employee training and user adoption is key to achieve success. Mosaic recognizes the importance of employee training and user adoption in driving successful digital transformation initiatives. 

Through hands-on workshops, online tutorials, and interactive training sessions, Mosaic equips employees with the knowledge and skills they need to effectively utilize the new digital workflow solution. 

The Impact of Digital Workflows on Audit Efficiency:

Transitioning from traditional paper-based processes to digital workflows brings about transformative outcomes that significantly enhance audit efficiency. Here’s a detailed exploration of the tangible benefits of adopting digital workflows for compliance audits:

Reduced Stress and Anxiety for Staff:

Paper-based processes often lead to heightened stress and anxiety among staff members tasked with preparing for audits. The manual nature of document management and retrieval can be overwhelming, leading to uncertainty and frustration. However, with digital workflows, employees experience a significant reduction in stress levels.

Employees can quickly access the required documents with just a few clicks, eliminating the anxiety associated with manual document management.

Shortened On-site Inspection Time:

One of the most significant advantages of digital workflows is the ability to expedite the audit process. With all documents stored electronically and readily accessible, auditors can conduct on-site inspections more efficiently.

Digital workflows eliminate the need for auditors to sift through stacks of paper or wait for documents to be retrieved manually. Instead, they can access relevant information instantly, allowing for faster data analysis and decision-making.

As a result, the overall duration of on-site inspections is shortened, saving both time and resources for businesses.

Improved Auditor Satisfaction and Confidence:

Digital workflows not only benefit businesses but also enhance the experience of auditors. By providing auditors with easy access to comprehensive and well-organized digital records, businesses demonstrate their commitment to transparency and compliance.

Auditors appreciate the efficiency and accuracy of digital workflows, which in turn improves their satisfaction and confidence in the audit process.

Long-term Benefits for Ongoing Compliance Management:

Beyond the immediate impact on audit efficiency, digital workflows offer long-term benefits for ongoing compliance management. By establishing robust digital document management practices, businesses create a foundation for sustainable compliance processes. 

In conclusion, the adoption of digital workflows, championed by Mosaic, heralds a new era of simplicity and efficiency in compliance audits. By embracing digital transformation, businesses can navigate the complexities of audits with confidence, ensuring adherence to regulations while unlocking opportunities for growth and success.

Discover how Mosaic can help you maximize your ERP investment with paperless document workflows. Schedule a consultation with our experts today!

Best Practices for Integrating AP Automation with Dynamics 365

Integrating Accounts Payable (AP) automation with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central (BC) isn’t just an upgrade—it’s a transformational shift that propels organizations towards unparalleled efficiency, cost reduction, and strategic financial management. 

In the modern business landscape, where speed and accuracy are paramount, leveraging AP automation becomes a critical component for companies striving to optimize their financial processes.

This post delves into the best practices for integrating AP automation with Dynamics 365, ensuring businesses can harness the full potential of digital transformation in finance.


The Importance of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central for Organizations

Microsoft Dynamics 365 BC stands at the forefront of enterprise resource planning (ERP) solutions, offering extensive capabilities for managing finance, operations, and customer relations. Its flexibility and scalability make it an invaluable asset for organizations aiming to streamline their business processes and enhance decision-making.

The Role of AP Automation in Enhancing Dynamics 365 BC

AP automation complements Dynamics 365 BC by automating the tedious and error-prone manual processes associated with accounts payable. This synergy not only accelerates the financial workflows but also introduces a level of accuracy and efficiency that manual processes cannot match.

Understanding AP Automation

Definition of AP Automation

AP automation refers to the technology that automates and streamlines the accounts payable processes, including invoice processing, approvals, and payments. This technology reduces the need for manual data entry, minimizes errors, and speeds up the AP cycle.

Challenges of Manual AP Processes

Primary Components of AP Automation Solutions

Benefits of Integrating AP Automation with Microsoft Dynamics 365 BC

Choosing the Right AP Automation Solution

Importance of Selecting a Vendor with a Proven History

It's crucial to choose a vendor that has a strong track record with Microsoft Dynamics integrations, ensuring a smooth and successful implementation.

Benefits of a Cloud-First Strategy

Opting for a solution with a cloud-first strategy offers flexibility, scalability, and remote accessibility, aligning with future technological advancements.

Essential Features of an AP Automation Solution

Key Takeaways

Integrating AP automation with Microsoft Dynamics 365 BC presents a strategic opportunity for businesses to enhance operational efficiency, reduce costs, and improve financial decision-making. By selecting the right solution and following best practices for integration, organizations can unlock significant value from their AP processes, driving better business outcomes.

By carefully considering these practices and leveraging the right AP automation solution, businesses can achieve a seamless integration with Dynamics 365 BC, unlocking the door to a more efficient, accurate, and cost-effective financial management system.

Streamline Your Financial Processes: Ready to embrace efficiency and accuracy? Contact Mosaic now to learn more about our tailored AP automation solutions.

Eliminating Human Error: Using AI for Automatic Data Capture

Picture this: a single misplaced decimal costs your business a deal worth thousands. Or, sensitive customer data disappears into the abyss of messy filing systems. We’ve all witnessed the havoc caused by the smallest of human errors! These headaches can be a relic of the past thanks to the power of AI. Businesses now have access to groundbreaking AI solutions that drastically improve the way we capture data.

Human error once ruled the business world, wreaking havoc in its wake. Today, AI ushers in an era of precision, banishing those costly mistakes to the past.

AI Techniques for Data Capture

Let’s explore some of the incredible ways AI conquers the limitations of manual data entry:

Benefits of AI-Driven Data Capture

Why should you care? AI-powered data capture brings a wide range of game-changing benefits:

Don’t just dream of a more efficient, error-free business – make it happen. AI-driven data capture is the key to unlocking your company’s full potential.

Real-World Use Cases: The Applegreen Story

Let’s ditch the abstract and talk about real results! Applegreen, a major petrol forecourt retailer, partnered with Mosaic and Epicor to transform their operations. Here’s what they achieved:

The benefits didn’t stop there. Applegreen also streamlined store operations, sped up purchase order approvals, and even cut down on the mountain of paperwork that was once a core part of their business. Applegreen Case Study

AI-driven data capture is more than just a fancy trend. It’s your key to unlocking precision, speed, and a competitive advantage in today’s world. The old way of manually entering data simply won’t cut it much longer! Businesses that don’t invest in these cutting-edge technologies are likely to find themselves left behind.

Are you ready to leave the cost of human error behind and step into the future of data capture? Contact Mosaic today and let’s transform your business operations!

Developing Metrics and KPIs to Track AP Success After Automation

“AP Automation? Check! Now, how do we prove it’s working?” That’s the million-dollar question on everyone’s mind after investing in Accounts Payable (AP) automation. You’ve banished those pesky paper invoices and manual processes – but is it really saving you time and money? Fear not, those benefits are absolutely real, and the way to quantify them is through some well-chosen KPIs (Key Performance Indicators).

Automation isn’t magic; it’s measurable. Track your KPIs, and the savings will speak for themselves.

Think of KPIs as your automation success dashboard. Let’s dive in and get those metrics flashing green!

Cycle Time Metrics

AP is all about time – how quickly invoices get processed, how long it takes to make payments. These metrics are a speed test for your new automated system:

Productivity Metrics

The point of automation is to make your AP team super-efficient. Time to see the proof:

Accuracy Metrics

Mistakes cost money and time. Automation isn’t just speedy; it’s also about precision:

Analytics for Continual Optimization

Metrics aren’t just about patting yourself on the back – they’re a tool for getting even better! Your payable automation software solutions should provide powerful analytics to uncover:


AP automation is a transformative investment, and with the right metrics you can prove it! These KPIs provide valuable insights into:

The key is to establish a baseline before automation, track the metrics diligently post-implementation, and use the data to make even smarter decisions.

Ready to unleash the full potential of your AP automation journey? Contact Mosaic today! Our experts will guide you to select the right metrics, interpret the data, and continuously optimize your processes for maximum ROI. Let’s turn those metrics into a real success story!

Future-Proofing Education: Digital Transformation Strategies for Educational Institutions

The modern world evolves swiftly, pushing industries to adapt or risk obsolescence. For educational institutions, thriving in today’s digital era requires more than bolting on slick edtech tools. Competing and educating students now demands comprehensive operational and cultural overhaul. By approaching digital transformation strategically, schools and universities can elevate institutional strength, educate in innovative ways, and empower students for career success.

Strategy is integral, requiring meticulous alignment of technological capabilities, staff readiness, and pedagogical goals. With a thoughtful roadmap guided by experienced partners, institutions can traverse the complexities of enterprise-wide change to gain long-term competitive edge and stability.

Digital transformation reimagines how educational organizations leverage technology to function productively and deliver value – from streamlining workflows to enabling immersive online instruction models.

Navigating 21st Century Pressures

Educational institutions face multiplying pressures in today’s high-tech environment. Students expect mobile accessibility, virtual collaboration, and digitally-enhanced learning. Workforces demand training for an evolving jobs landscape where artificial intelligence and automation reshape roles. Administrators struggle managing fragmented data, security vulnerabilities from aging infrastructure, and budget limitations.

Without adapting, schools and universities fail building the robust digital capabilities and operational resilience this era necessitates. Siloed legacy processes handicap visibility into institution-wide datasets required for strategic decisions, graduates lack fluency in emerging digital competencies sought by employers. Without transformation, attracting top-tier students and faculty becomes an uphill battle.

Read More about How Digital Workflows Simplify Compliance Audits

Survival of the Digitally Fit

Though disruption unsettles traditionally stable education, the analysis is straightforward – digitally maturing institutions will lead the future while technology laggards languish. 

Governments and accreditors pressure colleges towards heightened digital literacy standards. Employers increasingly weigh candidates’ mastery of digital skills as much as academic credentials. Students opt for universities representing coveted future-forward brands.

Transitioning core model and systems to enable remarkable learner and researcher experiences grows urgent and requires thorough rebooting of:

Technological Foundations

Modernizing cybersecurity, fortifying data infrastructure, migrating software assets to the cloud

Teaching & Training Capacity

Expanding faculty digital fluency, personalized online instruction, work-aligned microcredentials

Student Experience

Fostering digital citizenship and competencies, digitally-enhanced pedagogy and interactions

Operational Optimization

Unifying siloed data estates, automating manual processes for efficiency, boosting decision making with analytics

Charting Your Transformation Voyage

Executing successful large-scale change without the proper roadmap wastes resources. Every institution’s needs and priorities differ. Mapping transformation pathways demands factoring unique legacy constraints, appetites for innovation, budgets, and strategic goals. Defining these foundations shapes technology selections, staff readiness plans, pedagogical vision, and optimal sequences for rolling out initiatives.

Mosaic helps craft comprehensive digital transformation blueprints aligned to each institution’s aspirations. With expertise across education and technology realms, we objectively assess current states and design precise navigational charts towards target conditions. Core to our strategizing is facilitating collaborative idea exchanges to unify diverse stakeholder voices including leadership, faculty, IT administrators, and students. Our actionable strategies feature success metrics and detailed execution guidance while allowing flexibility to shifting needs.

Strategic Focus Areas

While each institution’s digital transformation path differs, most master plans focus on optimizing a few key areas:

Unifying Data Platforms

Transition siloed datasets into unified data platforms like Mosaic’s solution, offering actionable visibility through easy-to-interpret analytical dashboards to inform decisions on resource allocation, goal progress, and bottlenecks.

Administrative Efficiency

Implement paperless workflows to centralize documents digitally for instant access without physical searches. Automate manual processes like admissions to accelerate cycle times.

Teaching & Learning Innovation

Expand digital pedagogy specializations across faculty. Enable technology environments supporting personalized instruction, group collaboration, VR/AR, and online lesson dissemination scalable to thousands of remote learners simultaneously.

Learner & Career Success

Develop digital competency curriculum and project-based assessments preparing graduates to navigate the high-tech workforce. Expand short-term skills training through online academies. Offer badges validating in-demand proficiencies mastered.

While each institution’s digital transformation path differs, most master plans focus on optimizing a few key areas: Unifying Data Platforms, Administrative Efficiency, Teaching & Learning Innovation, and Learner & Career Success.

Digitally Transforming Campus-Wide for the Modern Education Era

Manual paper-based processes and disjointed analog data systems strain the responsiveness, productivity and budgets of educational institutions seeking to deliver modernized service experiences. By pursuing comprehensive digital transformation initiatives guided by partners like Epicor, universities and schools can:

Optimize Operations Performance

Enhance Academic Innovation & Excellence

Elevate Community Engagement

Transitioning fully into the digital realm through intuitive campus-wide platforms, institutions can sustainably stretch limited available resources to responsively shape progressive educational models unhindered by former outdated systems. Unified automation is what powers heightened institutional outcomes in the modern era. By taking transformation in a careful stride, schools position learning, research and community prosperity for long-term gains.

Are You Future-Ready?

The modern higher education landscape promises exponential complexity. Budget constraints. Disruptive models like credentialing platforms. Artificial intelligence reshaping university operations. Fierce competition for students globally. The time is now for colleges and universities to take courageous first steps towards digital maturity and future stability.

Mosaic helps construct the bridge – from overwhelmed by the avalanche of technologies to harnessing digital capabilities strategically with transformation roadmaps custom-tailored to your institutional goals. Contact us today to schedule an executive consultation and glimpse the future. A future where your school leads competitors through optimized productivity, pioneering pedagogy, and graduates securing high-caliber careers.

The digital era prompts your institution to answer transformation’s call. We’re ready when you are. Get in touch today

The Paper Chase is Over: Adopting Paperless Workflow in Senior Care Facilities

The sight is all too familiar – folders stuffed with forms, records cascading over file cabinets, staff scrambling to locate misplaced paperwork.

For senior care facilities, a dependency on paper processes fuels inefficiency and clutter while hampering care providers’ valuable time with residents. But by embracing paperless workflows, facilities can transform their operations for the better.

The reasons for pursuing paperless systems are compelling. Consider that the average employee spends over 5 hours per week searching for physical files. Or that paper records mismanagement contributes to an estimated 1 in 5 healthcare claims being initially denied. 

Going paperless reduces these issues and more by standardizing procedures facility-wide. With intuitive software and a human-centered approach, senior care providers can implement paperless workflows for simplified record keeping, more accurate claims submissions, and above all, elevated quality of resident care.

The Downsides of Paper in Senior Care

Paper dependency severely hampers productivity in senior care facilities. Administering medication, updating health records, tracking ADLs (Activities of Daily Living) - virtually every aspect of caregiving relies on unwieldy paper processes. This paperwork burden contributes to nurse burnout as providers struggle to balance documentation duties with actual resident care. Meanwhile, decades worth of charts and files overrun facility storage rooms.

Environmental Impact

Paper-based workflows also come at a cost to the planet. Healthcare is among the most paper-intensive industries, utilizing an estimated 952 trillion sheets per year. The reams of printed forms, packets, and flyers generated daily in care facilities contribute to significant carbon emissions from paper production. Transitioning to paperless systems is a tangible way for senior care providers to lessen environmental impact.

Less Time at the Desk, More Time at the Bedside

Incorporating paperless workflows allows caregivers to devote more attention to what matters most – nurturing connections with residents. With intuitive record-keeping technology, updating files and scheduling care takes just minutes rather than hours spent rummaging through filing cabinets. Going paperless equips staff with on-demand mobile access to accurate health records so they can instantly review patient information at point of care. The resultant workflow improvements directly enhance resident quality of life with staff better able to focus on compassionate, individualized care.

Embracing The Digital Transformation

Transitioning fully to paperless workflows does not happen overnight. Migrating legacy paper documents into electronic systems, training staff to utilize new technology, transferring organizational knowledge – these phases require thoughtful change management. However, facilities that invest effort into structured digital transformation reap immense rewards in resident care and staff satisfaction.

Simplified Documentation

Well-planned electronic documentation systems save caregivers time charting shift notes, updating care plans, and scheduling ADLs. Intuitive design empowers even non-technical users to master platforms quickly. Equally important are smart built-in validations which ensure documentation accuracy at time of input – a crucial advantage over error-prone handwritten charting.

Secure Centralized Records

Thorough EHR (Electronic Health Records) remove anxiety over misplaced resident charts or illegible scribbles. Cloud-based records integrate the entire care spectrum into one holistic profile – physician notes, medication/treatment plans, images, progress reports, and more. Platform security protections prevent vulnerable health data breaches while role-based access allows staff view precision.

Automated Reminders & Alerts

Paperless systems eliminate missed treatments or uneven care through automated reminders about upcoming physician appointments, when to administer medications, or steps in a care plan. Platform analytics track ADLs, flag potentially harmful trends like sudden weight loss, and identify individuals not receiving adequate attention. These insights direct staff to address issues proactively.

Accelerated Claims Processing

Without accurate paperwork, facilities experience denied or stalled insurance claims that impact revenue. Paperless software validates forms at time of completion and equips users with templates for error-free filing. By submitting digitized records, staff bypass physical document mailing delays. The result - correctly filed claims processed rapidly.

Partnering For Paperless Success

Transitioning workflows without the proper solutions and support in place sets up initiatives to struggle. Mosaic helps guide facilities seeking the benefits of paperless through every phase – from building the project roadmap to system launch and beyond. Our comprehensive solutions allow care providers to improve resident quality of care, achieve operational excellence, and elevate staff satisfaction.

Intuitive Senior Care Software

Mosaic designs senior care tools intentionally user-friendly so that personnel use the system seamlessly as part of their workflow. Solutions integrate the entire care process into a single intuitive program – documenting progress notes, ADLs, building care plans, scheduling visits, tracking census and billing details. The software’s clinical validations and automation free up staff hours previously wasted tracking down records or fighting insurance claim denials.

Ongoing Training & Support

Even intuitive software meets adoption challenges without the right training model. Mosaic’s onboarding emphasizes role-based education so that staff utilize the precise system functionality pertaining to their responsibilities - from caregivers inputting progress notes to billing personnel submitting claims. We reinforce learning with onsite mentoring and helpdesk access.

The Human Touch

What sets Mosaic’s approach apart is understanding paperless implementation affects people equally to processes. We practice empathetic change management because altering workplace tools unavoidably impacts staff who relied on legacy workflows for years. Our integration teams solicit user feedback, involve personnel at every stage, and convey how digital transformation stands to make individual jobs more satisfying and allow for greater resident care quality.

Well-planned electronic documentation systems save caregivers time charting shift notes, updating care plans, and scheduling ADLs. Intuitive design empowers even non-technical users to master platforms quickly.

The Proof is in the Results

Wellmont Health System Eliminates Dozens of Filing Cabinets

Wellmont Health System  As a premier regional healthcare provider operating 13 hospitals, Wellmont struggled managing vital records, contracts and accounting documents buried within overstuffed physical cabinets. Each hospital and back-office team relied on disjointed paperwork workflows, compromising productivity and decision visibility.

By switching to Epicor’s cloud document management platform, Wellmont now accesses digital records enterprise-wide for streamlined coordination. Contract analysts route agreement files to proper departments with supporting data automating renewals tracking. Accounting gained workflow efficiencies while opening up space to add staff previously wasted on search requests. 

Wellmont’s paperless transition delivered measurable improvements across the enterprise

Wellmont’s extraordinary bottom-line savings and efficiency outcomes spotlight that with the right paperless solution and expert implementation guidance, organizations in any sector can revolutionize engrained processes deemed impossible to overhaul.

Act Now for Quicker Care

Mosaic supports senior living operations in making the leap towards a rewarding paperless future with faster workflows, simplified recordkeeping, and residents receiving better one-on-one care. 

Our solutions promote holistic insight so that staff detect heightened falls risks, mental health declines, or inadequate social engagement before situations escalate while avoiding unnecessary hospital transfers. Contact us today for a customized consultation and to learn how to access significant state and federal funding for digital migration programs.

Discover firsthand how Mosaic’s paperless solutions stand ready to revolutionize your facility’s care capacities starting on day one of deployment. The future of senior living is here – and it’s paperless.