Paperless Workflow Automation for Utility Companies | Mosaic

Paperless Workflow Automation for Utility Companies

Document management solutions that remove the paper from back-office workflows while seamlessly integrating with your current ERP platform.

Take your utility’s digital transformation to the next level with paperless workflow automation solutions from Mosaic.

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Why Should Energy and Utility Companies Go Paperless?

According to a recent study by Deloitte, 46 out of 54 US investor-owned utilities committed to reducing carbon emissions, many by 2050. The study explains the primary goals of the energy and utility industry as we head into the future:

“[…] boosting clean energy, ensuring reliability and resiliency, and maintaining security, while keeping costs down. To tackle this tall order, the electric power industry will likely continue to advance in its ‘3D’ transformation: decarbonization, digitalization, and decentralization. We’ll be watching for technology deployments to advance and markets to evolve.”

There are many reasons why your utility business should consider going paperless, but with the industry’s focus on renewable energy and green practices, digital transformation is all the more crucial. As your company prioritizes implementing digital software like AP automation, you can meet your sustainability goals while also experiencing the many of the operational and financial benefits of going paperless.

Let Go of Paper. Empower your Business.

Let Go of Paper.

Empower your Business.

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