Health Care | Mosaic Paperless Solutions

Docstar ECM. The right prescription for affordable, efficient medical records management.

At Mosaic, we believe that healthcare is where our greatest heroes soar. It’s an industry for those who laugh in the face of the word “impossible.” For people who wake up intent on changing lives for the better. For fearless, tireless leaders who come in all forms — from the nurses and doctors to the scientists to the ambulance drivers to the record keepers — and champion the safety of us and everyone we care about, every single day.

It’s impossible to say thank you enough. But at least we can do the next best thing: Make your courageous work a little easier.

Let’s start by alleviating some of those less important tasks. Like dealing with paper. Because mountains of paper is not the kind of battle that our healthcare heroes need to fight. Here’s how our smart process system improves practice effectiveness and lowers records retention costs:

  • Patient Charts (With the Click of a Button)
    Docstar ECM reimagines the traditional medical chart folder as an electronic, interactive form that’s organized and right there when you need it.
  • Patient Care (Your Way)
    With our solutions, you can improve access to the information you need to make on-the-spot decisions about your patient’s care.
  • Manage your Practice (Not Paper)
    Of course, our products offer ways to handle information beyond medical documentation and patient files, including human resource records, accounts payable invoices, physician certification forms, explanation of benefits, and more… just about every form in your busy practice.

At Mosaic, we make sure the vitals of any healthcare operation stay strong, through medical records management tools that are quick and astoundingly easy to use.

Mosaic – Your Paperless Solution Experts
Our Paperless consultants will help you choose a software solution that is tailored to your unique needs by providing visibility into where your key business processes are lacking and how they can be improved with a digital tool on your side. We make it easy for you to rest assured that you choose the perfect software solution and we will set you up with a complete training documentation package.
Training your team to adopt new workflows and responsibilities like tracking KPIs can take time, so our consultants make ourselves available to you whenever you need us. We understand that hiccups can happen along the road to implementing your reliable solution, so we take a human-centered approach in all of our employee training and tech support measures.
If you’re considering implementing a paperless solution contact us today for a consultation.

Downloadable Guide: Reduce Payment Issues, Process Faster, Approve Easier

Business today is more competitive than ever. Does your business have the tools to keep up? Paperless invoice processing is critical in transforming your AP Department. Docstar ECM AP Automation takes the extra work and worries out of AP by automating processes and eliminating manual entry errors.

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Docstar ECM Offers You:

• Instant information access – Clinical and billing documents can be located in seconds and never get lost, improving the accuracy and quality of patient care.
• Reduced labor costs – Docstar ECM minimizes your personnel requirements and helps you comply with legal, insurance and liability requirements.
• Reduced demand for physical space – All paper files can be stored electronically on disks with capacities starting at over 85,000 pages per disk.
• Minimized copying expenses – Cut your costs for duplicating original forms sent to insurance companies.
• File protection – Protects against loss due to disasters, while critical data can still be kept on-site.
• Irrefutable document integrity – Authentidate™ Image Marking technology virtually eliminates any possibility of altering documents without detection.

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