Education | Mosaic Paperless Solutions

Education Document Management Solutions

ClassroomAffordable, efficient document management that really makes the grade.

Educational Institutions face ongoing pressure to improve record security, control or reduce costs and simultaneously improve responsiveness and overall efficiency. Not easy in a paper based environment but a perfect fit for Docstar ECM document management software.

Docstar ECM is a total solution that scans, stores and retrieves your paper and electronic documents with ease and simplicity.

This remarkable system saves space, guards against theft or damage, and lets your staff share documents simultaneously. And, it is the easiest, fastest system to learn and use that you can buy.

DocStar logo

Docstar ECM serves as the single source for document management, institution wide. Common applications for Docstar ECM includes Student Records, Medical Records, Financial Aid, Accounting, Purchasing, Human Resources and much more.

Mosaic – Your Paperless Solution Experts
Our Paperless consultants will help you choose a software solution that is tailored to your unique needs by providing visibility into where your key business processes are lacking and how they can be improved with a digital tool on your side. We make it easy for you to rest assured that you choose the perfect software solution and we will set you up with a complete training documentation package.
Training your team to adopt new workflows and responsibilities like tracking KPIs can take time, so our consultants make ourselves available to you whenever you need us. We understand that hiccups can happen along the road to implementing your reliable solution, so we take a human-centered approach in all of our employee training and tech support measures.
If you’re considering implementing a paperless solution contact us today for a consultation.

Docstar ECM Offers You:

Reduced labor costs — Eclipse minimizes your personnel requirements and helps you comply with records retention requirements.
Reduced demand for physical space – All paper files can be stored electronically on disks with capacities starting at over 85,000 pages per disk.
Instant information access – Documents can be located in seconds and never get lost.
File protection – Protects against loss due to disasters, while critical data can still be kept on-site.
Audits records access and use – Tracks who accessed student records and when.
Irrefutable document integrity – AuthentiDate™ Image Marking technology virtually eliminates any possibility of altering documents without detection.

Having 35-40 fewer file cabinets to contend with may sound like benefit enough, but the Urbana School District has realized multiple advantages from moving its document management systems over to Docstar. The public has noticed a dramatic improvement in the ease of access to existing student records. That has been our biggest win so far. When people come in to get their transcripts, they don’t have to go through a lot of file cabinets or search through boxes of microfilm any more. We can find them so easily in Docstar!

Elaine WindinglandSupervisor, Urbana School District #116
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