How Paperless Operations Streamline Dental Practices

Amidst the ongoing evolution of healthcare dynamics, dental practices are no exception to the winds of change. For decades, traditional paper-based methods have been the norm, from patient records to appointment scheduling. However, with advancements in technology and the need for efficiency and sustainability, paperless operations are increasingly becoming a necessity rather than a luxury. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the challenges posed by traditional paper-based processes in dental practices, introduce the concept of paperless operations, and explore how this transition can streamline workflows, enhance patient experiences, and benefit dental practices in numerous ways.

The digital revolution isn’t just about adopting new tools; it’s a profound shift in how dental service organizations operate, from paper records to patient-centric, technology-driven excellence.

The Burden of Paper and the Call for Change

Analysis of Time, Costs, and Risks

Dental practices have long grappled with the time-consuming nature of paper-based operations. From manually filling out forms to searching for patient records in a sea of paper, valuable time that could be spent on patient care is lost. Additionally, the costs associated with paper, ink, storage, and administrative tasks can add up significantly. Moreover, paper-based systems are prone to errors, leading to risks such as misplaced records, data inaccuracies, and compromised patient information.

The Environmental Impact

Beyond the immediate challenges, dental practices need to consider the environmental impact of their operations. The healthcare industry, in general, is a significant contributor to paper waste. The excessive use of paper not only harms the environment but also goes against the growing trend of sustainability. Patients and stakeholders increasingly value organizations that take steps towards eco-friendly practices.

The Industry's Response

Recognizing these challenges and the need for change, the dental industry has started to respond with the adoption of paperless operations. Electronic Health Records (EHR) systems, digital forms, and automated workflows are gradually replacing traditional paper-based processes.

Paperless Operations: A Gateway to Streamlined Workflows

Paperless operations encompass a range of digital solutions designed to streamline dental practice workflows. This includes the adoption of Electronic Health Records (EHR), the implementation of digital forms for patient intake and consent, and the automation of administrative tasks such as appointment scheduling and billing. These digital tools not only reduce reliance on paper but also enhance data accuracy and accessibility.

Paperless operations revolutionize workflows with digital solutions, including EHR adoption and automated administrative tasks, improving data accuracy and accessibility. Partnering with Mosaic ensures a seamless transition, with tailored solutions and expert integration into existing ERP and EHR systems.

Beyond the Basics: Advantages of Going Paperless

Enhanced Efficiency and Data Accuracy

The adoption of paperless systems leads to significantly enhanced efficiency within dental practices. Tasks that once took hours can now be completed in minutes, thanks to digital automation. Moreover, the risk of errors is greatly reduced, as digital data entry minimizes the chances of data inaccuracies.

Improved Patient Experience

Patients today expect quick and reliable services. Paperless operations enable dental practices to provide just that. From streamlined appointment scheduling to rapid access to their medical history, patients benefit from a more efficient and hassle-free experience.

Strategic Advantage in Scaling

For dental practices with multiple locations, going paperless offers a strategic advantage. Centralized data management, uniform processes, and easy scalability become achievable goals. Managing and expanding across various locations becomes far more manageable with digital systems in place.

Mosaic’s Role in Your Digital Journey

Tailored Consultation and Strategy Design

Mosaic doesn't offer one-size-fits-all solutions. Instead, we work closely with dental practices to understand their unique needs and challenges. Through tailored consultation and strategy design, we ensure that the transition to paperless operations aligns perfectly with the goals and requirements of each practice.

Integration with Existing Systems

Transitioning to paperless operations doesn't mean abandoning existing systems. Mosaic's expertise includes the seamless integration of paperless solutions with your existing ERP and EHR systems. This ensures a smooth transition without disruptions to your ongoing operations.

The shift from traditional paper-based operations to paperless systems is no longer a luxury but a strategic necessity for dental practices. The challenges associated with paper, from time and cost burdens to environmental concerns, are driving the industry toward a more sustainable and efficient future. Paperless operations offer advantages that extend beyond mere convenience, including enhanced efficiency, improved patient experiences, and the ability to scale operations seamlessly.

The role of partners like Mosaic is pivotal in facilitating this transition. With tailored consultation, strategy design, and integration with existing systems, Mosaic ensures that dental practices can embrace paperless operations with confidence. 

Contact us to begin your digital journey, streamline your operations, and provide exceptional patient care in a sustainable manner.

Why Electronic Invoice Approvals are the Future of Secure Transactions

In today’s evolving digital landscape, electronic invoice approvals are redefining the way businesses secure their financial transactions. In this document, we’ll take a deep dive into the transformative potential of electronic invoice approvals, highlighting their seamless integration into modern financial workflows, their robust security measures, and the promising future they hold.

Electronic invoice approvals have emerged as a modern financial innovation, revolutionizing the way transactions are secured and executed.

For generations, businesses have relied on paper invoices as the lifeblood of financial transactions. The process involved generating paper invoices, obtaining physical signatures, and mailing or hand-delivering documents for approval. However, the digital age has ushered in a new era, making these traditional practices seem antiquated. Electronic invoice approvals have emerged as a modern financial innovation, revolutionizing the way transactions are secured and executed.

The Mechanics of Electronic Invoice Approvals

Electronic invoice approvals harness cutting-edge technology to streamline and enhance financial processes. These transactions follow a structured sequence:

Number 1 in circle


Electronic invoices are generated digitally, eliminating the need for physical paper documents.

Number 2 in circle

Authorization Workflow:

A predefined approval workflow is initiated, ensuring that the right stakeholders review and approve the invoice.

Number 3 in circle

Multi-Factor Authentication:

Robust security measures, including multi-factor authentication (MFA), are deployed to verify the identities of individuals involved.

Number 4 in circle


Sensitive data is encrypted to safeguard it during transmission, preventing unauthorized access.

Number 5 in circle


Transactions are meticulously timestamped, creating a comprehensive audit trail for reference.

Number 5 in circle


Once approved, the invoice is marked as such, and payment can be swiftly processed electronically.

The technology underpinning electronic invoice approvals includes secure cloud storage, digital signatures, and encryption protocols, guaranteeing the confidentiality and integrity of financial data.

Benefits of Electronic Invoice Approvals

The adoption of electronic invoice approvals brings forth a multitude of advantages:

Efficiency and Speed:

Electronic invoices are processed and approved in real-time, eradicating the delays associated with physical paper documents. This immediate clearance drastically reduces processing times, expedites payment cycles, and enhances overall operational efficiency.

Reduced Operational Costs:

Transitioning from paper invoices to electronic counterparts results in substantial cost savings. Businesses bid farewell to expenses related to printing, postage, and manual handling. Moreover, the need for physical storage space is significantly reduced.

Enhanced Accessibility:

Electronic invoice approvals empower stakeholders to execute transactions from anywhere, at any time. With a secure online platform, personnel can access, review, and approve invoices remotely, contributing to a more agile and responsive financial workflow.

The adoption of electronic invoice approvals offers efficiency, cost savings, and enhanced accessibility, with real-time processing, reduced operational costs, and the ability to execute transactions from anywhere.

Security Advantages Over Traditional Paper Invoices

Electronic invoice approvals offer an elevated level of security compared to traditional paper invoices:

Authentication Protocols:

Robust authentication measures, including multi-factor authentication (MFA), encryption, and other security measures, ensure that only authorized individuals can access and approve invoices. Data encryption during transmission prevents interception by unauthorized entities.

Audit Trails:

Each step of an electronic invoice approval process is meticulously recorded with timestamps. This creates a comprehensive audit trail, enabling businesses to track every transaction and providing transparency and accountability in financial processes.

Reduced Physical Risks:

The elimination of physical paper invoices removes risks such as lost or stolen documents. Electronic invoices are securely stored in the cloud, safeguarding them from physical damage and unauthorized access.

Challenges and Considerations

While the advantages of electronic invoice approvals are compelling, businesses should be mindful of potential challenges during the transition:

Adoption Hurdles:

Some employees may resist the shift from familiar paper-based processes to electronic systems. Successful adoption requires adequate training and change management strategies.

Data Security:

As electronic transactions become more prevalent, the risk of cybersecurity threats increases. Businesses must invest in robust cybersecurity measures to protect sensitive financial data.

Integration Complexity:

Integrating electronic invoice approval systems with existing ERP or financial software can be complex. Careful planning and execution are essential for a smooth transition.

The Future of Electronic Invoice Approvals

The realm of electronic invoice approvals is poised for further advancement:

Blockchain Technology:

Blockchain has the potential to revolutionize the security of electronic invoices. Its immutable ledger and encryption capabilities can provide unparalleled trust and transparency in financial transactions.

Artificial Intelligence (AI):

AI-driven systems can enhance invoice approval processes by automating data extraction, reducing errors, and improving decision-making.

Mobile Integration:

Integrating electronic invoice approvals with mobile devices will further enhance accessibility, allowing approvals on the go.

In conclusion, electronic invoice approvals represent the future of secure transactions in our increasingly digital world. The transition from paper to electronic invoices offers businesses efficiency, reduced operational costs, enhanced accessibility, and heightened security. While challenges may exist, businesses that prioritize security and efficiency in their financial transactions will reap substantial benefits from this transformation. It’s time for businesses to embrace the future and make electronic invoice approvals an integral part of their financial operations. By doing so, they will pave the way for more secure, streamlined, and efficient transactions in the digital age. 

Don’t wait another second – start enhancing your digital presence today! Contact us to begin your digital transformation.

Digital Transformation: The Key to Adapting to Changing Regulations in the Utility Sector

From constantly changing governments and laws to customer demands that evolve as quickly as technology does, it can be tough for companies and organizations in the utility industry to keep up. This has created an urgent need for businesses within this sector to move towards digital transformation and take control of their future by adapting more rapidly. To stay ahead of the curve – while meeting operational requirements with limited resources – key players must develop robust strategies that enable them to make sense of increasing regulations much sooner than previously possible.

In this blog post, we will explore how digital transformation is revolutionizing the utility and energy sector by providing real-time solutions that allow businesses and organizations alike to not only adhere to, but also benefit from regulatory changes promptly.

Understanding the Regulatory Landscape in the Utilities Industry

The utility and energy sector is constantly evolving, with new regulatory changes and challenges emerging every day. Environmental regulations and data privacy laws are just a few of the key areas that utility companies need to understand to operate effectively. These changes can have significant impacts, from increased compliance costs to the need for operational changes.

While these challenges can be daunting, there are also opportunities to innovate and improve operations in response to these regulatory shifts. Understanding the regulatory landscape is critical for utility companies to thrive in a rapidly changing industry.

The Role of Digital Transformation in Enhancing Compliance

In today’s digital age, digital transformation has revolutionized the way businesses operate. For utility companies, it can be a game-changer in enhancing compliance.

Digital technologies such as automated compliance tracking and digital reporting can make processes faster and more efficient.

This not only saves time and resources but also reduces the chances of errors and omissions.

Enhancing compliance with digital transformation empowers utility companies to adapt more effectively to regulatory changes. In short, digital technologies can help your business stay ahead of the curve by ensuring that your company remains compliant in a rapidly changing utility and energy landscape.

Read more: Understanding Digital Transformation: Definition, Benefits, and Opportunities.

Improving Operational Efficiency with Digital Technologies

Digital transformation is no longer simply an option. It has become crucial for utility companies looking for operational excellence.

Manual processes can be excruciatingly time-consuming, prone to errors, and may limit the output volume. However, technology can be used to automate these business processes, streamline operations, and unleash immense potential.

The automation technologies like Robotic Process Automation (RPA), which uses bots to take over repetitive tasks, can free up human capital to focus on more complex tasks. Furthermore, workflow automation can ensure timely and accurate execution of tasks, thus leading to faster turnaround times and enhanced productivity.

By implementing innovative technologies like automation and data analytics, these companies can streamline their business operations and reduce waste, resulting in significant cost savings. But the benefits of digital technologies don’t stop there. These improvements can also help utility companies meet regulatory requirements more effectively, making compliance a breeze. With technology at the forefront, businesses can position themselves for growth, reduce operational costs, and deliver exceptional customer experiences.

Proactive Response to Regulatory Changes with Digital Transformation

As regulations and compliance issues continue to evolve, it’s become increasingly important for businesses to stay ahead of the game. That’s where digital technologies come in, enabling a proactive response to regulatory changes through the use of advanced technology such as predictive analytics and real-time data monitoring.

For utility companies, the real-time data provided by automation is crucial in allowing your business to detect and address compliance issues before it’s too late. By leveraging the power of digital tools, utility companies can gain a competitive advantage and navigate through complex regulatory landscapes with greater ease, ensuring they remain compliant while providing reliable and efficient services to customers.

Improve Customer Experiences and Employee Morale

Customer satisfaction and employee morale are two of the most prominent benefits of digital transformation in the utility and energy sectors.

Companies that have embraced digital tools have been able to enhance their customer experiences through increased speed, convenience, and customization. This, in turn, has boosted customer satisfaction rates and helped businesses to gain a competitive edge.

Additionally, digital solutions have positively impacted employee morale by streamlining tasks and automating repetitive processes, allowing employees to focus on more meaningful work. With the rise of remote work and virtual collaboration tools, employees have more flexibility and autonomy, resulting in a more satisfied and engaged workforce. As technology continues to evolve, the impact of digital transformation on customer satisfaction and employee morale will only continue to grow in importance.

Start Your Digital Transformation Journey Today!

Digital tools have the potential to promote payroll and maintenance cost savings, operational efficiency, and customer service quality. Additionally, these tech advancements can provide greater insights into energy usage for better decision-making.

Movements towards modernizing rely heavily on technology, while also maintaining secure data and protecting customer information at all times. Although there are risks associated with emerging technologies, these challenges can be addressed over time with support from a digital transformation consultant.

Overall, it is clear that digital transformation represents an essential step towards more effective regulation compliance within the utility industry while providing numerous opportunities for increased performance and services now and in the future. If you’re ready to start your digital transformation journey, Contact Us today to schedule a consultation with one of our expert digital transformation consultants!

Looking to get a head start on the implementation process? Read our blog Overcoming Resistance to Going Paperless: Strategies for Successful Adoption.

The Importance of Going Digital to Attract and Retaining Top Talent

As the corporate landscape shifts and technology continue to evolve, it’s becoming more important for companies to embrace going digital if they want to stand out in the competition for top talent. In today’s climate of technological advancement and ever-changing demands from employees, employers must stay on top of their game or risk being left behind by those who take advantage of the opportunities presented by making their operations more digital.

Read on to understand how your company could better benefit from going digital to win over some of the best minds in business today!

The Risks of Outdated Paper-Based Workflows

One major risk is that such workflows are often slower and less efficient than digital-based workflows. This can lead to delays in processing important documents, which can result in missed opportunities or even financial losses. Furthermore, paper-based workflows require more physical space and equipment to store and process documents, which can be costly and time-consuming to manage.

Another significant risk is the potential for data breaches or loss. Physical documents can be lost or stolen, while digital documents can be vulnerable to hacking or cyber-attacks. This can result in sensitive information being exposed, which can damage a company’s reputation and lead to legal and financial consequences.

In addition, paper-based workflows can create challenges when it comes to collaboration and remote work. Physical documents can be difficult to share or access from different locations, which can hinder productivity and create communication barriers between team members.

Overall, the risks associated with outdated paper-based workflows can impact a company’s ability to attract and retain top talent, as well as its ability to stay competitive in a rapidly changing digital landscape.

Adopting digital-based workflows can not only mitigate these risks, but also improve efficiency, security, and collaboration, ultimately leading to a more successful and productive business.

Read More: How Paper-Based Workflows can Lead to Compliance Risks

Digital Transformation’s Impact on Accounts Payable and HR

As businesses continue to modernize their technological infrastructure, certain departments can sometimes get left behind in the adoption process. Accounts Payable and HR are two such departments that may feel the impact of a slow transition to modern technology. One issue that arises is that Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, which have become a cornerstone of modern business operations, are often not optimized for document storage.

However, this does not mean that users are left without a solution. By integrating with a Document Management Solution, users can link documents to key screens within the ERP, making for a more convenient onboarding experience. Additionally, electronic forms, one of the essential features offered through a Document Management Solution, offer a precise, low-cost interface compared to extending ERP interfaces to more users.

Outdated technology also makes it difficult for companies to attract the best and brightest candidates. If your company is trying to attract qualified candidates, you may be missing out because quality candidates are looking for employers who have embraced digital transformation to eliminate mundane manual tasks.

Despite these challenges, investing in AP and HR departments can lead to significant opportunities for career growth and development. By embracing automation and streamlining processes, mature companies gain a competitive advantage and attract top talent to their team.

Read more: Maximizing Your Accounts Payable Process: Best Practices and Strategies for Success.

The Real Cost of Losing Talent

In addition to the financial costs of recruiting, hiring, and training new employees, losing top talent can also result in lost productivity, decreased morale, and a negative impact on company culture.

When an experienced employee leaves, their workload often gets redistributed to their colleagues, which can lead to increased stress, burnout, and turnover among remaining employees.

This can result in decreased productivity and increased absenteeism, which can ultimately impact the bottom line.

Moreover, the loss of key employees can result in a loss of institutional knowledge and experience, which can be difficult to replace. This can impact the company’s ability to innovate, compete in the market, and make sound decisions based on past experiences. Additionally, when employees leave, they take their professional networks and relationships with them, which can damage the company’s reputation and relationships with clients or customers.

Furthermore, the loss of a talented employee can have a ripple effect on company culture. The remaining employees may feel demotivated, undervalued, or unsupported, leading to decreased job satisfaction and increased turnover. This can ultimately result in a negative impact on the company’s reputation, making it more difficult to attract and retain top talent in the future.

Overall, the real cost of losing talent extends beyond the financial costs and can impact many aspects of a company's operations.

It’s essential for companies to take proactive steps to retain their top talent by creating a supportive and engaging work environment, providing opportunities for professional growth and development, and recognizing and rewarding their employees’ contributions. By doing so, companies can reduce turnover, increase employee satisfaction, and ultimately achieve long-term success.

It’s Time to Attract Top AP Employees

As the digital age continues to rapidly evolve, it’s becoming increasingly important to stay up to date with current technology. From advancements in artificial intelligence to the rise of AP automation software and document management systems, keeping up with the latest trends can help your business stay competitive and relevant.

It’s not just about having the latest gadgets and software, but also understanding how these digital technologies can be integrated into your business model to improve efficiency and increase productivity. Staying informed and adaptable to new technological developments is crucial for any business looking to thrive in today’s digital landscape. Chances are your ideal candidate is reading up on the best tools to make their job more streamlined. It’s time to meet your prospective employee expectations!

Contact us today to start your digital transformation journey!

Benefits of Going Paperless for Utility and Energy Companies

Did you know that going paperless can save your utility or energy company a significant amount of money? In fact, estimated that businesses can reduce invoice processing costs by up to 66% with a paperless system. That’s because automating the process with software eliminates the need for human intervention, which means there are fewer mistakes and less wasted time and resources.

In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of going paperless and how automation software can help your business achieve this goal. Look no further, we’ve got your new paperless-office strategy covered.

Why Should Energy And Utility Companies Go Paperless?

According to a recent study by Deloitte, 46 out of 54 US investor-owned utilities committed to reducing carbon emissions, many by 2050. The study explains the primary goals of the energy and utility industry as we head into the future:

“[…] boosting clean energy, ensuring reliability and resiliency, and maintaining security, while keeping costs down. To tackle this tall order, the electric power industry will likely continue to advance in its ‘3D’ transformation: decarbonization, digitalization, and decentralization. We’ll be watching for technology deployments to advance and markets to evolve.”

There are many reasons why your energy or utility business should consider going paperless, but with the industry’s focus on renewable energy and green practices, digital transformation is all the more crucial. As your company prioritizes implementing digital software like AP automation, you can meet your sustainability goals while also experiencing the many of the operational and financial benefits of going paperless.

What Are The Benefits Of Going Paperless?

There are numerous benefits of going paperless, but here are a few key advantages that your utility or energy company can experience:

Cost Savings

As we mentioned before, automating your AP process comes with a significant ROI. While the average business spends about $17.61 per invoice, World-Class AP departments that utilize AP automation software cut their cost per invoice down to only $2.42 per invoice.

Paperless automation software reduces these costs by eliminating manual data entry for improved accuracy and efficiency. You’ll also save on operational costs, paper, storage, and shipping costs by going digital.

Try out our Paperless ROI Calculator to see how much you could be saving.

Read more about Digital Transformation: The Key to Adapting to Changing Regulations in the Utility Sector

Faster Invoice Cycles

With paperless AP automation, you can expect to see a drastic reduction in your invoice processing time. Because the entire process is automated with built-in workflows, invoices are automatically moved onto the next step to avoid bottlenecks that slow down your AP process.

When your invoice cycles are faster, your company can also capture early payment discounts and benefit from improved relationships with vendors.

Operational Efficiency

Paperless AP automation will streamline your entire process and make it more efficient. With built-in workflow approvals, you can customize the steps for each invoice and ensure that they are routed to the appropriate person for review.

This level of automation will not only improve your overall efficiency but also reduce the likelihood of human error. Your finance teams will be relieved of their manual data entry responsibilities and empowered to focus on tracking metrics to improve your business. Your company can also cut down on employee overtime for reduced labor costs that also save your staff from potential burnout.

Increased Visibility Into KPIs

Digital AP automation gives you complete visibility into your spending at all times with real-time data and analytics. With this level of transparency, you can make more informed strategic decisions about where to allocate your resources. You’ll also have greater control over the entire process and be able to catch errors or fraud quickly, all on one cloud-based system.

Heightened Security Measures

When you go paperless with AP automation, your data will be more secure because it will be stored electronically. This is opposed to a manual process where documents can easily get lost or stolen. With digital software, you can also set up permissions and access controls to ensure that only authorized personnel has access to sensitive information.

Improved Sustainability Practices

As we continue to focus on renewable energy and green initiatives, it’s important for utility and energy companies to consider their own sustainability practices. One way you can reduce your carbon footprint is by going paperless with digital AP automation.

You’ll not only save trees but also the water and energy needed to produce paper documents. Automation software also eliminates the need for physical storage space, which reduces your company’s reliance on natural resources. A paperless office is a win-win for both your business and the environment.

Read more: Why You Should Transition Accounts Payable To Paperless

These are just a few of the many benefits that your utility or energy company can enjoy by going paperless. But how do you get started?

Go Paperless Today

If you’re ready to take your utility or energy company paperless, Mosaic is here to help. We offer a comprehensive AP automation solution that will streamline your entire process. Our software is easy to use, scalable, and customizable to fit the unique needs of your business.

We also offer paperless consulting and expert support every step of the way so you can be confident in your transition to a paperless office.

Contact us to go paperless today!

Printing is the Enemy of AP Automation Software

Companies that have invested in AP automation software often become frustrated when they don’t see the complete return on investment that was promised, but what these companies don’t realize is that they may be sabotaging their AP software’s performance by printing documents.

Printing is the enemy of AP automation software because it disrupts automated workflows and hinders your team’s ability to track key performance metrics. Printing is also expensive and it destroys the cost-effective benefits of a paperless office that automation software was designed to provide.

This article will explain why your team should quit that printing habit to improve your AP performance and capitalize off of all the performance benefits that automation software has to offer.

Printing Disrupts Workflow Automation Processes

AP automation software streamlines business processes by fixing the invoice approval process. Instead of the slow manual process of physically handing off invoices for approval and manually inputting data, AP software utilizes digital workflows to automatically move an invoice on to the next step in real-time. The software also offers an electronic signature feature so there is never a need to print and physically sign off on a paper document. It can all be done with a few quick clicks from your computer or mobile device.

With automated workflows on your side, your business can benefit from time savings, but when team members print out an invoice, the digital workflow is disrupted and slowed down. Lots of time is wasted in printing a document and it is entirely unnecessary. AP automation centralizes the accounts payable process to save valuable time, so why would you work against your software?

It may be a natural habit to hit print even after the software is implemented, but it is crucial to educate your team on how printing a document at any point of the AP process defeats the purpose of the software and adds unnecessary operational costs. Help your finance or AP department understand the benefits of electronic signature software and automated workflows so your company can leave the heavy lifting to your office automation solution and save valuable time.

Printing Hinders AP Automation ROI

AP automation software offers a strong ROI because core processes are done digitally instead of on costly physical paper. Print and mail procedures are expensive when you consider the cost of paper, ink cartridges, stamps, envelopes, and operating costs. The cost of fixing a single printer jam can also easily run up your office budget and if you run out of toner then business functions are put on hold.

With AP automation software on your team, your company will save significant funds while seeing a strong ROI on your investment because none of these printer costs are needed. However, businesses that fail to ditch their print habit end up wasting unnecessary resources and profits. Working against your office automation tool not only adds avoidable costs on the supply end, but print jobs also slow the seamless automated AP workflow, causing you to miss out on capturing early payment discounts for faster cycle times.

Check out our Paperless ROI Calculator to see how much your business could be saving when you quit printing.

Printing Ruins Visibility Into KPIs

By centralizing AP processes, your automation tool offers greater visibility into key metrics so your finance department can focus on tracking KPIs for increased performance and cost savings. By measuring your AP performance, you can easily set goals to cut the cost per invoice and speed up invoice cycle times for overall increased operational efficiency. However, when employees print an invoice at any step of the process, KPIs will be thrown off since your office automation tool will have no way to track the document.

There is never a true need to print an invoice at any step of the process because your office automation solution does it all. Your accounts payable team should focus on tracking process visibility when you make the transition to a secure, centralized AP process and let the software do the heavy lifting. AP automation software also offers user permissions and controlled access to digital files for increased security measures while physical document drafts always come with a risk. By taking advantage of workflow automation, heightened security, and process visibility your business will be well on its way to becoming a World Class Accounts Payable Department.

It may be difficult for your employees to adjust to different responsibilities but that is why it is important to educate them on the benefits of an office automation tool. Your AP team will soon realize that tracking key metrics and business functions is much more empowering than mundane manual data entry.

Read more: Successful AP Implementation: Solving Common Challenges with Preparation and Collaboration

For many professionals, printing is just a tough habit to kick, but once you realize the valuable time and profits that can be saved by going paperless, printing will be the obvious enemy.

If you’re ready to quit the print environment, check out our AP Automation Software solutions.

Contact Us to go paperless today.

How To Get Your Employees Excited About Digital Transformation

Once your company’s senior leaders have developed a digital transformation strategy, it can be tempting to move full speed ahead with implementation. However, the key to long-term success in your digital transformation efforts is to get the entire organization on board and excited about digital initiatives first.

Digital tools play a key role in successful business outcomes, but all of the changes in procedure that come with transformation projects can be met with some pushback from employees. Your workers may have a digital skills gap that triggers frustration and other employees may fear that their jobs are being replaced. 

Business leaders have a responsibility to educate their employees about digital transformation initiatives to ensure a smooth and stress-free implementation process. With a little bit of extra support from senior managers and your digital business partners, your business can create a company culture that challenges the status quo and prioritizes digital transformation for business success.

Here are some tips to have a company-wide buy-in on your digital transformation projects. 

Educate Your Employees About Digital Transformation

It is important to educate your employees about digital transformation at every level because they don’t have the same vision of the business as company leaders. For example, senior executives have insight into how AP automation software will deliver ROI and cut costs, but the vast majority of employees in your AP department might just feel as though you are trying to cut out their jobs. 

In a Forbes article on digital transformation, Garth Andrus, co-author of The Technology Fallacy, explains, “A lot of digital technology is augmenting our jobs, not necessarily replacing all the jobs […] But there’s often so much more augmentation, and that’s difficult for people to weave into their work because they keep wanting to do the workaround they had gotten used to.”

It is important to have internal communication at every level to educate employees on the “why” of automation tools to help them see the bigger picture. Though employees’ responsibilities and daily business processes may change to incorporate new technology, the digital tools will actually make their jobs less mundane as they track KPIs and focus on scaling efforts. By educating your employees, you can empower them to feel excited about their central role in meeting business goals and reassure them that their roles are not at risk.

Follow Through With Training And Support

In any digital transformation project, following through with consistent training is key to a successful transformation. Even with a solid education of the “why” behind automation software and digital tools, employees are vulnerable to burnout and frustration when they become overwhelmed with entirely new responsibilities all at once.

One simple training session or video is not a sufficient company strategy for digital implementation. For your more tech-savvy employees, one training video might do the job, but for employees who have been in their role doing manual data entry with a paper process for 15 years, the digital experience will be foreign and training will take time. Be patient with your employees as they adjust to the new digital strategy. Business operations may slow down before they speed up, but this is normal.

To increase employee productivity and training success, senior managers should implement a buddy system and channels of communication where IT employees are paired with workers in other departments to offer consistent support and answer any questions. 

Your digital transformation business partner will also be ready to offer support and consulting during implementation, so take advantage of the materials that they provide and keep their contact information handy in case you run into issues. 

Read more: Successful AP Automation Implementation: Solving Common Challenges with Preparation and Collaboration

Offer Space For Feedback

To keep your employees motivated and excited about your digital transformation efforts, C-suite executives and senior managers should offer consistent space for feedback from employees in all business units.

A true culture of innovation is constantly reassessing and adapting to drive business success by maintaining internal communication. Your company will have greater insight into the benefits of transformation and areas where you can continue to improve when you make space for employees in the field to give feedback on their daily processes. When workers feel heard, employee experience is boosted and productivity increases to create a more mature organization.

Your business can also offer rewards, recognition, and incentives for employees who have performed well in transformation-specific roles to acknowledge their efforts and reiterate their value. Keeping your workers engaged, motivated, and excited about digital trends lies in how you treat them and how well you implement these new processes.

Mosaic offers numerous Industry Solutions for a seamless digital transformation. We are an Epicor Gold Partner with expert consulting services to ease your implementation process and get your employees excited about automation software. 

Contact Us today to get started.

It’s 2022, Stop Delaying Your Digital Transformation

It’s hard to believe that we are already into the second month of 2022, but time has a funny way of sneaking up on us. Technological advances in artificial intelligence and automation are moving at an all-time speed, so it isn’t unusual to feel overwhelmed with how to begin a true digital transformation initiative.

Digital transformation is a set of connected digital technologies that work together to drive productivity, optimize work efforts, and set your business up to scale. While it may sound even more overwhelming to hear that you need to implement multiple digital solutions to have a true digital transformation, the truth is that it’s easier than it sounds.

Like with most rewarding ventures, starting is the hardest part, but once you make that commitment to a digital transformation strategy, your business will quickly reap the benefits of automated workflows and more visibility into KPIs. Each digital solution that you implement will also seamlessly integrate with another, so stop delaying your digital transformation and get started now.

The Cost of Delay

It may feel easier to hide your head under a rock at the mention of digital capabilities and machine learning in favor of business processes that kept you afloat in the past, but the costs of delaying your digital transformation far outweigh any digital investments you may make.

Since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, we have seen increasing digital experiences for consumers while brick and mortar businesses went under at record speed. Businesses have adapted to consumer demands for a more personalized customer experience and faster processes with the support of digital solutions like sales order automation, AI-based knowledge bots, and mobile apps. The companies that have delayed their digital transformation plans are quickly falling short of their competition and losing out on opportunities to scale.

Slow pen and paper processes cannot keep up with the inescapable market demands. Customer expectations have risen beyond human capabilities, so without implementing digital innovations, your company will likely see a profit decline in coming years. Digital strategies are essential to your business’s longevity. Stop delaying those digital transformation projects and begin setting your company up for future success for automation solutions.

Read More: What is Sales Order Automation and How Does It Work?

2022 Digital Transformation Trends

2022 digital transformation trends show that remote work isn’t going anywhere so digital solutions that ease remote business operations will be essential this year. HR automation software will be crucial to a seamless remote hiring and onboarding process without any bottlenecks in paperwork or task flow.

Read more: Human Resources (HR) Employee Software Management

Forbes and Plain Concepts both name automation software as one of the top digital projects to implement into your business this year. AP automation software fixes the invoice approval process with automated workflows designed to operate seamlessly and quickly. AP automation also utilizes intelligent data capture (IDC) for accurate processing to avoid the costly errors of manual data entry and deliver a strong ROI.

Read more: How AP Automation Can Help Solve Your Company’s Scaling Challenges

If your business already has a solid ERP system in place, then implementing these automation solutions will be even easier. Do some research on integrations to find out which digital solutions are compatible with your ERP system. An automation provider like Mosaic will also be happy to offer support and answer any questions that you may have along your digital transformation journey.

Design a Digital Transformation Strategy to Fit Your Business

No two digital transformation strategies are the same and your business should design a digital transformation strategy that aligns with your unique scaling and business goals. Business leaders should take the time to review current business processes to see what isn’t working and what can be improved.

Your company’s IT department may be able to offer suggestions on digital initiatives that will benefit your business and employees from different departments can also offer business insights that are essential to their roles. By taking the time to meet with your team, you can develop a cultural transformation that values feedback and continuous innovation to drive successful business outcomes.

Successful transformations also begin with a strong dedication to research. Look to digital industry leaders for actionable insights into how you can begin your company’s digital journey. Automation and digital software providers are also great industry experts for senior executives to turn to for guidance on digital transformation.

Read more: Successful AP Automation Implementation: Solving Common Challenges with Preparation and Collaboration

If your business has goals to begin your digital transformation in 2022, Mosaic can offer support to help you choose an automation solution that is tailored to your unique business needs. Check out our Industry Solutions to learn more about how automation software can benefit your business. Contact Us to get started today.

Steps To Creating a Paperless Office

It’s 2021 and Mother Earth would love every office out there to go paperless, but unfortunately, many companies are stuck in the wasteful ways of paper processes. The sad truth is that paper-based practices aren’t only hurting the environment, but they are preventing your business growth, as well. 

Successful businesses know that a paperless office contributes to increased productivity, better organization, clearer cash flow visibility, and stronger security. If you’ve been tossing around the idea of transitioning to a paperless office, then you’re on the right track, but it’s time to put those goals into action.

Here are some concrete steps for creating a paperless office that will set your company up for long-term growth.

The Case For a Paperless Office

Many companies and employees may be opposed to abandoning their paper files, but the case for a paperless office is strong. Paper seems to have a hold on humans that might feel comfortable because it is what we’ve been used to for years, but paper processes are holding you and your business back.

The benefits for going paperless outnumber any of your arguments to hoard those paper documents, but here are just a few reasons to be paper-free:

  • More office space- Going paperless will give you more office space than you knew you had. Overstocked filing cabinets can be replaced with a nice new coffee machine and your cluttered desk will be a distant memory.
  • You will actually be able to locate documents- Searching for that one paper document in a poorly organized and overstocked office wastes valuable time and productivity. Digital documents are much easier to locate with a simple search.
  • Faster business processes- Transferring physical documents via mail or by hand is slow. In the 21st century, business processes move quickly because digital files take seconds to transfer rather than days.
  • Less paper waste- A paperless environment saves the trees and minimizes mounting landfills that are killing our planet. Consider your office’s environmental impact and commit at least cutting down on your paper consumption.
  • Better security- A paper shredder may destroy a piece of paper with sensitive information, but what about all those other legal documents and vulnerable paper records that are floating in cabinets or on desks? Digitizing documents allows you to limit access to files with sensitive internal documents so you can ensure top security.
  • Digital transformation is the future of business- Advancements in technology and digital solutions have allowed businesses to grow and scale at a faster rate than ever before. The future of business relies on digital transformation in every area of operations. Paper processes are too slow and outdated for a modern workplace.

Now that you know why your company should ditch inefficient, paper-based business processes and transition to a paperless environment, here are some concrete steps for creating a paperless office that will set your company up for long-term growth.

Assess Your Paper Usage

The first step in transitioning to a paperless work environment is to assess your paper usage. Where is your company using paper processes? 

Digitally document what areas of your business are using paper practices, then evaluate your paper usage. If your business is using paper documents for procedures in every department, then you have quite a project on your hands.

The good news is that once you go paperless in one department, it will be far easier for you to continue the transition in each area of your business operations. You can always start small and work your way into a completely paperless workplace, so choose an area to focus on first if the whole project seems too daunting.

Clean Out and Digitize Your Paper Files 

After you assess your paper usage, it’s time to digitize those paper files so you can clean out your workspace.

Cloud-based storage solutions like Enterprise Content Management (ECM) offer digital filing and paperless storage in a centralized location. Paperless documents can be easily located through a simple search bar feature and they can be organized with the touch of a button. Your employees will be relieved when they realize that they no longer need to dig through messy filing cabinets to find that one paper form.

Digital document management systems also offer heightened document security with controlled access features. Gone are the days of a paper trail that poses security risks to your company.

Cloud storage solutions also provide easy file sharing options with electronic signature features. Electronic documents and forms can be signed with e-signatures to avoid wasteful printing and slow physical hand-offs.

As you scan paper files into your digital storage system, you can shred and recycle those paper copies and free up your workspace from clutter while benefiting from a stronger organization system.

Automation Software for Paperless Workflows

Automating your workflows is another paperless office strategy that will speed up your business procedures. Paper processes and manual data entry are slow habits of the past. Automation software offers a paperless workflow that is faster, more cost-efficient, and more accurate.

You can implement automation software into your company’s accounts payable department and HR department to automate common business practices like invoice processing and onboarding new employees. AP automation software and HR automation software will give your employees a much-needed break from slow manual processes and important files are made more secure as electronic documents.

Talk to your company’s IT department about implementing paperless options and digital tools like AP automation software, HR automation software, and a digital document management system like ECM.

Your IT employees will be able to help you choose the right digital filing systems for your company and guide you towards the top providers for your needs. Make some time to meet with your company’s different departments to discuss transitioning to a paper-free office and work together to determine the best strategy for your unique business.

Paper-based processes are on their way to extinction, while digital transformation provides paperless office solutions for lasting business growth. Your entire company has the potential to be paper-free by implementing smart technology that will run your business better and faster than ever before.

Contact Us today to learn more about how we can help you transition to a paperless office.


What is Digital Transformation?

Digital transformation is a term you may be hearing a lot these days, and for good reason. According to recent studies and market analyses, the global digital transformation market is expected to double from 469.8 Billion USD in 2020 to 1,009.8 Billion USD

But what exactly is digital transformation and how can it benefit your business? Whether your company is deep into its digital innovation efforts or if this is your first time hearing about the topic, we’ve provided a deep dive into the buzz around digital transformation.

Keep reading for a breakdown of why digital transformation is more important than ever and how to implement digital strategies that will improve your organization’s customer experience and general workflow in the modern era.

Digital Transformation Definition

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First thing’s first, let’s define digital transformation with some help from DocStar:

“What digital transformation isn’t is technology alone – it’s strategy.

The technology will continually evolve to incorporate business process automation, robotic process automation, and artificial intelligence. Focusing on one or more of these or other technologies is shortsighted – it’s the way you implement these technologies that’s important. […] digital transformation can’t just focus on the online world – it needs to bridge the gap between online and offline.

It should incorporate the enterprise, supply chain, partners, customers, and employees in terms of strategy and execution.”

DocStar summed it up pretty well and cleared up a lot of confusion around this term. Many people hear “digital transformation” and think of merely digitizing their paper files into electronic documents or hopping online with a TikTok account for marketing purposes, but digital transformation involves incorporating multiple forms of digital technology, software, and artificial intelligence into daily business processes.

Digital transformation is all about the bigger picture of modernization at every level of the organization. Within a digital transformation framework, technology and software are implemented to make processes easier for everyone from the CEO to the new hire to the customer. These modernization strategies are also built to grow with your company and your customers as you expand and as new digital innovations are made.

Digital Transformation Success Stories

When we think of the real success stories in digital transformation a few companies come to mind. Netflix is one of the best digital transformation examples. Netflix could have easily died along with Blockbuster movie rental stores, but instead, Netflix imagined new possibilities in their business strategy and successfully developed a digital platform with the user experience in mind.

The companies that have the most successful transformation hone in on the digital experience and remain on their toes, quick to adapt to consumer needs. Netflix adapted to the market demands and created a new status quo in streaming services. Companies like Amazon also made huge strides in customer experience optimization with a modernization strategy that has changed the way we shop from physical stores to eCommerce.

 True industry leaders know how to focus on customer experience systems by leaning into innovation and digital technology. The ability to think outside the box and welcome new solutions will create a better future for businesses and consumers.

The Acceleration of Innovation

mosaic lightbulb

Innovations in technology have accelerated at an all-time high since the invention of the computer and the mobile phone. Businesses and society have imagined new ways of connecting, solving problems, and speeding up procedures. Within only the past year we have seen a huge acceleration in technology and digital software with the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic as the world had to imagine a new way of living, working, and connecting. 

These trends in digital innovation will only continue into the future and it’s better to hop on board than be left in the dust. A 2019 study showed that 70% of organizations have a digital transformation strategy or are working on one. Now that we’ve reached a post-pandemic 2021, those numbers are likely even higher. The sad truth is that businesses that aren’t leaning into digital initiatives will be left behind.


of organizations have a digital transformation strategy or are working on one.

Your organization needs to adapt to new technology and the ever-changing digital status quo or you risk losing consumers who have outgrown aged business models and practices. But don’t stress! This is a situation that all business owners are facing, so you aren’t alone. Instead of fearing the future of digital transformation, it’s time to welcome it with open arms as we imagine new possibilities.

Imagine Innovations in your Business Capabilities

Digital transformation is all about getting creative and imagining innovations in your business capabilities with the help of technology. This is the time to brainstorm what you can improve about your business processes. 

Take a deep dive into what is and isn’t working in your various business models and processes. What can you do to speed up manufacturing or deliveries? How can you give customers a better-personalized experience? What smart technologies have you read about recently that can be utilized in your business? Posing these questions to your team in all departments will begin to cook up some new ideas that will only benefit your organization’s growth.

The top benefits of adopting a digital model include improving operational efficiency, meeting customer expectations, and improving new product quality. Consider these areas while you analyze your business models, products, and workflows.

Once you can take a deep look at your company as it stands right now, you can begin to envision how it can grow with the acceleration of innovation. With that vision, you can set goals and take concrete steps in your digital transformation journey.

Setting Goals for Your Company

Once you have a vision of your company’s digital future, you can begin to set goals. Transformation doesn’t happen in a day but planning that digital transformation can start right now. 

What do you want your company to look like in a year? Sometimes it’s easier to break up your digital transformation initiative goals by the department. Once you have that vision for faster procedures on the manufacturing end or more personalized customer experiences for your consumer basis, you can set goals for each department and your company as a goal.

Remember that digital transformation isn’t merely one step in modernization, it is the collection of new technologies and software working together in different areas of your business to improve overall efficiency so that you can grow with modernization. This is why you should set digital technology goals within each department and for your company as a whole.

By the year 2025, where do you want to stand? Do you want your company to be an industry leader? Do you want to increase revenue by X amount? Do you want to penetrate the eCommerce market? Create a smoother onboarding employee experience?

In 2018, studies showed that 39% of executives expected to benefit from their digital transformation initiatives in 3 to 5 years. The companies that are benefiting today are the companies that set goals for this week and goals for years from now. Thinking ahead prepares you for the future as innovation accelerates. Set some goals, big and small, and then you can find some partners and strategies for a successful transformation. 

Develop a Digital Transformation Strategy

Developing a digital transformation strategy is a team effort. This is where research, collaboration, and partnerships come in. You may have imagined a vision for your company and set some goals, but tackling the digital transformation process comes with challenges on all fronts. Different aspects of business require a unique modernization strategy.

Many companies fall short in their digital transformation efforts for several common challenges: they lack direction and they try to do it all themselves. The digital transformation market is booming right now because experts in the field have partnered with various businesses to help them modernize their procedures and practices. To be successful, your company must take guidance and support from digital transformation leaders.

The partnerships that you make in your digital business transformation strategy will play a key role in your overall transformation. Digital leaders who are responsible for the accelerators of innovation know the ins and outs of end-user experiences and they can also offer predictive maintenance for new market demands. These partners may also see opportunities for new digital capabilities within your company that you didn’t even know were possible while helping you face digital transformation challenges.

Talk to your IT department, shop around for a marketing agency, appoint staff to transformation-specific roles, and look into automation and AI companies.

Your organization’s digital strategy can only benefit from B2B deals that let you focus on running your company while your partners help you run it better for the digital future.

We Can Help

At Mosaic, we are here to help you begin your digital journey and lay the building blocks for true transformation. As you partner with other companies in more advanced technologies, you will need your accounts payable department to be functioning with top speed and accuracy.

The future of accounts payable is automating B2B payments for a smoother, faster process with fewer human errors that cost you profits. The market will soon demand business process optimization solutions like AP automation as it fixes the invoice approval process and businesses choose to ditch the costly paper system that is killing our planet.

Implementing an enterprise content management (ECM) solution will also significantly increase the ease of your digital business transformation journey. ECM will keep your organization’s most valuable documents secure while also reducing costs.

We know the digital capabilities of your HR and AP departments, and we’re here to help you implement smart technologies that will get you up to speed in your digital transformation projects. For more information on what we can offer your business, check out our products and services.