What are Integrated Expense Report Forms?
Organizations of every size typically have expenses that employees need to be reimbursed for. It could be for taking clients out to a meal, gas or travel expenses incurred when visiting clients or attending seminars or training, or utilized for other miscellaneous purchases necessary to an employee to best complete their jobs. Regardless of what the expense is, it’s important that organizations have an effective way to track these expenditures, reimburse their employees accordingly, and maintain a record of these expenses.
For organizations that have employees working remotely or on the road often, expense reports can be much more difficult to obtain using traditional methods. As your organization’s workforce grows and adapts, it’s important to invest in solutions that evolve with your team.
What the current expense reporting process looks like
For many organizations, expense reports are maintained on paper, with employees stapling their receipts to the front. This process, while considered to be standard, is incredibly outdated and can prove to be frustrating for employees.
Employees completing the forms have to either print them out or obtain them directly from your accounts payable team. Then they have to compile all their receipts from over the course of the expense period, which varies between organizations, or they need to complete a report each time they make an expensed purchase.
Some organizations believe they have innovated the process by having employees email their reports and receipts, but with no clear parameters or structure, your employees might not give you all the correct information, and the reports will be difficult to track and organize.
How web forms can simplify expense reports
Rather than have employees use a paper expense report, they can use web forms instead. The employee can log into the web form and fill out the required fields, upload a photo of their receipt, and send it directly to accounting to review.
The data filled in the required fields will automatically generate onto a digital form that can be automatically filed in your current Document Management system, assigned to the correct employee. That same data will then be pushed directly into your Enterprise Resource Planning or other financial software to automatically track the expenses.
Your employees completing the forms will spend significantly less time filing their expense reports, and employees in accounting will no longer have to manually enter and reenter information in order to track expenses and cut checks. With Integrated Expense Report Forms, you can reassign employees completing data entry to other tasks or reduce your workforce entirely.
Why you should take forms to the next level
Beyond the initial time and cost savings, investing in Integrated Expense Report Forms can help your organization in the long run. Because these forms are automatically recorded, tracked, and organized, you can easily review them in the case of an audit or for any other reason. This helps save your employees time spent searching through closets and filing cabinets for the records or scrolling through thousands of emails to find a specific report from a certain date range.
Additionally, making daily processes easier for employees is a key part of ensuring that they remain engaged and happy. This leads to stronger retention and overall a more positive and productive work environment.
How Mosaic can help
Mosaic has experience in deploying custom Integrated Expense Report Forms that can seamlessly work with a business’ existing systems. Give us a call at 1-800-387-7859 to schedule your custom solution review.