Outsourced Scanning Services
Source your backfile scanning needs to Mosaic:
Both onsite files (file cabinets and banker’s boxes) and offsite files (Iron Mountain, Recall and other) are a cost to your business.
If you store now with Iron Mountain or Recall, do not feed the monster any more! Here are some cost savings:
- Eliminate monthly storage costs at $5 per box
- Eliminate pull costs at $300 + per trip to your location
- Eliminate courier expenses both ways and re-stocking fee
- Eliminate cost of rummaging through box to find the right file
If you store your own files either onsite or offsite, here are some costs that can add up:
- Labor for storing and retrieving boxes and facility management
- Cost of damaged files from weather exposure
- Space lease costs
- Utility costs
- Insurance costs
- Security costs
- Lack of immediate access (soft cost)